Name Class Promotion Location |
WARR GLDT or BRN Joins before you leave Granseal |
TORT MNST Joins in Granseal after Galam’s attack |
PHNK PHNX Joins at New Granseal on Parmecia |
WFMN WFBR Joins in Polca after you’ve been to Bedoe |
BDMN BDBT Joins when you leave Polca |
BRGN Tags along in Hassan, joins at North Cliff when you’ve cleared the rocks |
KNTE PLDN or PGNT Joins in Hassan when you’ve fought Taros |
KNTE PLDN or PGNT Joins at Creed’s (choice of 4, can also be recruited after Frayja opens Moun’s gate) |
PRST VICR or MMNK Joins at Creed’s (choice of 4, can also be recruited after Frayja opens Moun’s gate) |
WARR GLDT or BRN Joins at Creed’s (choice of 4, can also be recruited after Frayja opens Moun’s gate) |
MAGE WIZ or SORC Joins at Creed’s (choice of 4, can also be recruited after Frayja opens Moun’s gate) |
ACHR SNIP or BRGN Joins when you leave New Granseal for the North |
PLDN Joins on the way to Pacalon |
SORC Joins at Mitula’s Sanctuary |
VICR Tags along before Moun and joins in Moun |
PGNT Joins in the battle to Moun |
GLDT Joins in the tunnels under Moun |
MMNK Joins at the Dojo on Grans |
RBT Joins in Roft when Petro dies |
GLM Joins in the Magic Tunnel |
WIZ Joins in tunnels under Yeel |
RDBN Joins in Yeel or at the Devil’s Head Statue |