Sheela is the third Master Monk in the game and can be found near the Monastary/Dojo on Grans. The Monastary is South-west of where the Nazca Ship crash-lands. On the left side of the Monastary are a lot of trees. Find your way through these trees, heading upwards and you’ll come to a waterfall, where you’ll see he swimming and diving. It turns out that she’s one of Sir Astral’s old pupils and is training to be a fighting machine rather than becoming a priest, because the Evil Red Baron murdered her fiancé. She agrees to join the force, in the hope that she might be able to avenge the death of her love.
Gyan’s Headquarters Quote: “Devils, go away! I’ll knock you out!!”
The graphs below show the growth rate of Sheela’s statistics throughout the game, starting at level 1 (level 1 stats are based on growth rate if the character joined at any other level). These are adapted from the ASCII/Famitsu Shining Force II Guide Book, and so should be pretty accurate! However, please note that the charts are based on a standard game, in which no extra training is given to any characters. The growth may vary with extra training, and even from game to game, due to the random level-ups.
Base Class:
Master Monk (MMNK) Class Weapons
Leather Glove ATT +26 No special notes
Power Glove ATT +33 No special notes
Brass Knuckles ATT +39 No special notes
Iron Knuckles ATT +43 No special notes
Misty Knuckles ATT +49 Mithril Weapon / Steal monster’s MP
Giant Knuckles ATT +55 Mithril Weapon / Muddle Lv1
Evil Knuckles ATT +63 Cursed weapon
Below is a list of the spells learned by this character, and at which level the character needs to be for the spell level to increase.
Note: The game always assumes that a character has been promoted at level 20. For example, a spell learned at level 37 could be gained at level 37 before promotion, or level 17 after promotion if promoted before level 37. For more info on how the spells work, see the Spells Page.
All the information you could need to know about each character, on their own individual pages. Including weapon & spell information, stat growth details, pictures, animations & screenshots.