The Shining Force: Higins

Name: Higins
Japanese: Higinzu (translated: Higins)
Class: Paladin (PLDN)
Promotion: None

Higins is a Paladin from Pacalon, who left to find help for his city. He ran into trouble with the Greater Devil Geshp and was almost possessed by another gizmo, just like King Granseal and King Galam were. You’ll see him when you leave the town of Ketto, shortly after you arrive in North Parmecia. He’ll be knocked unconsious and when you complete battle 26, he’ll join out of gratitude for your saving his life.

Higins’s Headquarters Quote:
“I’m fully recovered! Where’s the enemy?”

Higins, Hero of the Shining Force
PLDN Higins
Higins, Paladin of the Shining Force


Many thanks to Wolfgang Landgraf for these animations!

Paladin Class (PLDN)


Statistics & Growth

Initial Statistics


The graphs below show the growth rate of Higins’s statistics throughout the game, starting at level 1 (level 1 stats are based on growth rate if the character joined at any other level). These are adapted from the ASCII/Famitsu Shining Force II Guide Book, and so should be pretty accurate! However, please note that the charts are based on a standard game, in which no extra training is given to any characters. The growth may vary with extra training, and even from game to game, due to the random level-ups.

Base Class:



Paladin (PLDN) Class Weapons

Heavy Lance
ATT +23
No special notes
ATT +26
No special notes
Chrome Lance
ATT +31
No special notes
ATT +33
Mithril Weapon / Attack Lv1
ATT +37
Mithril Weapon / Bolt Lv1
Holy Lance
ATT +39 / DEF +5
Mithril Weapon / Heal Lv1
Mist Javelin
ATT +42
Mithril Weapon
Evil Lance
ATT +48 / Move -2
Cursed Weapon
