Items your characters can equip, and where to find them.
Click on these icons to view location screenshots.
Gold (G) values are the prices at which shops sell the items. This does not mean that all items can be bought at shops, just that if you were to sell them, that’s how much you’d pay to get them back.
Quick Ring
Equip for AGI +5
Equip on:
Anyone in the Force
The vase next to the bird on the 2nd floor in Bedoe, Who says ‘We need a lot of hot water…’
Give this to someone who never seems to move into battle soon enough.
Protect Ring
Equip for DEF +5, Use for Boost level 1
Equip on:
Anyone in the Force
The battle to Creed’s
Simple, just give it to someone with a low defence, or low HP.
Repair Cost:
Power Ring
Equip for ATT +5, Use to temporarily increase another characters ATT
Equip on:
Anyone in the Force
The 1st Battle after Ribble, a witch has it.
If you don’t get it from the witch (she’ll drop it if the character who kills her has an empty item slot) you can buy it at the deals section of a shop.
Repair Cost:
Running Ring
Equip for MOV +2
Equip on:
Anyone in the Force
The room where Desktop Kingdom was (at Creed’s Mansion). Search behind the chair, facing left (remember the boy trying to lift the ring? That’s it!). Note that you must find the ring before you get the Sky Orb – you cannot find it by returning to Creed’s mansion after this point.
Many people have problems finding it apparently, but I assure you it’s there. View the screenshot to see exactly where to search.
White Ring
Equip for DEF +10, Use for Aura level 2
Equip on:
The Dwarven Town on Grans
I only ever let Bowie have this one, but that’s because I don’t use VICRs (I find Master Monks are far superior).
Repair Cost:
Black Ring
Equip for ATT +10, Use for Blaze level 2
Equip on:
SORC, WIZ (cursed)
The Battle to Pacalon
To be honest, I usually sell this one.
Repair/Uncurse Cost:
Evil Ring
Equip for ATT +15, Use for Bolt level 2
Equip on:
SORC, WIZ, VICR (cursed)
The Battle to the Holy Sword Shrine
To be honest, I usually sell this one.
Repair/Uncurse Cost:
Life Ring
Equip to regain 5HP per round
Equip on:
Anyone in the Force who is promoted
The Japanese version only. At the top of the Fairy Woods Bonus stage, to the right of the Bubbling Ooze. About the screenshot: Using GeneCyst I disabled the top layer of graphics to be able to illustrate on the screenshot the actual location of the chest it is in (the stats box covers it otherwise). Since it’s in Japanese, here’s a picture showing Bowie once he got the Life Ring. I’ve put an insert on the screenshot of the location, so you can see that the text besides the Life Ring icon matches the text displayed when the chest is opened.
A very useful item, it’s just a shame that it’s only in the Japanese version, or at least can only be reached in the Japanese version due to the lack of the search-in-battle option in the USA and UK versions.
Chirrup Sandals
They squeak, the wearer seems to become one of the main targets in battle, and if unequipped on Slade or Bowie they may learn the glitch spell “Higins”
Equip on:
Anyone in the Force
Search the table/chair next to the secret passage in Galam Jail.
According to Sir Astral, they ‘keep you happy’. The “Higins” spell uses 3 MP and is like a heal, but it doesn’t heal. If you look closely, the picture on the sandals would appear to be Jogurt from Shining Force! It has recently been discovered (by ELrad) through hacking the ROM, that the Higins spell is indeed a glitch spell, used only as a “spacer” in the game’s code. It serves no purpose. Mystery solved!
Where to find all of the 15 pieces of mithril, and what they're used for. Plus, a very plausible theory as to why there are 15 pieces of mithril in the game.