Mithril Weapons

All those little rocks you gathered on your journey finally come to be of use when you return to Grans Island…

You did get the Dry Stone from the fireplace in the cave where the sick dwarf was, didn’t you? Then the rest is easy! Just above Galam is a river going down the left. At one point in the river, it looks a little dented in both sides: this is where you use the Dry Stone . You’ll be able to see the Dwarven Village on the other side, go in there and find the Blacksmith. Give him some mithril and he’ll offer to make you a weapon for 5000 (make sure you’ve got plenty of cash!).

Some of the more powerful weapons (like the Gisarme) are extremely difficult to get, so I recommend that you save game before asking him to make you something. If you’re not happy with what you get then you can reset and try again (be warned: it could take a long time… on the other hand you might get lucky and get the Gisarme first try!). The smith can do up to 4 weapons at a time, but I always stick to having just one made… if you get one half decent and three rubbish ones then you either lose 3 pieces of mithril to keep the half decent one, or you lose the half decent one and risk getting all rubbish ones the next time (if you get what I mean). After you’ve placed an order with him, leave the village (there’s an exit nearby) and then go back – your weapon will be ready. Having said this, some of the mithril weapons can be won in battle or found either in the Deals of a shop or in searchables. A new Theory put forward provides more details, click here to read more!

My recommendations for weapon choices are at the bottom of the page.

Non-Magical Mithril Weapons

WeaponEquip OnATTValueNotes
Critical SwordHERO BDBT NINJ
+327200GIncreases your chance
of Critical Attacks.
+3913000GIncreases your chance
of Counter Attacks.
Ninja KatanaNINJ+3911500G
GisarmeNINJ+4215000GThis will sometimes slice the monster in half, killing it instantly!
Mist JavelinPLDN PGNT+429900G
Ground AxeGLDT BRN RDBN+39
MOV +1
Great RodSORC WIZ VICR+287900G
Buster ShotBWNT BRGN SNIP+376800G
Hyper CannonBWNT BRGN SNIP+408700G

Magical Mithril Weapons

WeaponEquip OnATTValueNotes
LevanterHERO+4214000GBlaze 3
Repair Cost: 3500
ValkyriePLDN PGNT+337700GBoost Attack
Repair Cost: 1925
HalberdPLDN PGNT+377300GBolt 1
Repair Cost: 1825
Holy LancePLDN PGNT+39
DEF +5
9300GRestore 10HP
Repair Cost: 2325
Heat AxeGLDT BRN RDBN+327200GBlaze 2
Repair Cost: 1800
Atlas AxeGLDT BRN RDBN+359600GBlaze 3
Repair Cost: 2400
Rune AxeGLDT BRN RDBN+4210000GDetox 1
Repair Cost: 2500
Wish StaffVICR+266100GAttack
Repair Cost: 1525
Mage StaffSORC WIZ+276300GBlaze 2
Repair Cost: 1575
Holy StaffVICR+299000GRegain 2HP per round
Goddess StaffVICR+319700GAura 2
Repair Cost: 2425
Supply StaffSORC WIZ+328500GRemove opponent’s MP
Repair Cost: 2125
Freeze StaffSORC WIZ+379500GFreeze 3
Repair Cost: 2375
Mystery StaffSORC WIZ VICR+3910000GRegain 2MP per round
Grand CannonBWNT BRGN SNIP+439800GMuddle 1
Repair Cost: 2450
Misty KnucklesMMNK+485500GRemove opponent’s MP
Repair Cost: 1375
Giant KnucklesMMNK+557500GMuddle 1
Repair Cost: 1875

My Recommendations
These are the weapons that I would choose for my characters. I’ve discovered that the probablity of getting the best weapon from those available for a certain character class is about 4%. The least powerful weapon is about 48%, second least is 26% and the second best is 22%. The chances of getting a better weapon are quite low, so be prepared to spend an hour or more for each character. I didn’t get the Gisarme until I’d tried 27 times! That being said, you may get lucky and get the best weapon on your first try!

HEROLevanterGives him a Blaze lv3
VICRMystery StaffRegains 2MP each round
MMNKGiant KnucklesReally strong!
WIZ / SORCMystery StaffRegains 2MP each round
GLDT / BRN / RDBNRune AxeStrongest
PLDN / PGNTMist JavelinStrongest & diagonal attacks
BRGN / SNIP / BWNTGrand CannonStrongest