Wizard Spells

A list of wizard spells learned and at which levels, dealing with Kazin, Tyrin, Chaz, Slade and Bowie.

The numbers after the spell’s name indicate the character’s total level to learn the spell. The total level includes 20 levels gained before promotion. Even if you promoted after level 20 the game assumes there were only 20 levels gained before promotion, and the numbers shown below are not affected. For example, if you were to level Karna up to 40 before promoting her, she would learn Blast 4 at level 37. If you had promoted her before she reached level 37 she would not learn the spell until level 17 after promotion – the game assumes she only gained 20 levels before promotion (37 – 20 = 17!).

For Ninja Spells the level simply refers to Slade’s current level, as he starts afresh with spells when promoted. Any levels gained before promotion have no effect on his spells.

“–” indicates the spell does not reach that level.

Character Spell L1 L2 L3 L4
Blaze 1 5 22 35
Muddle 9 25
Dispel 13
Desoul 18 29

Character Spell L1 L2 L3 L4
Blaze 1 11 51 56
Freeze 5 22 31 38
Sleep 25
Bolt 28 35 54 60

Character Spell L1 L2 L3 L4
Blaze 1 11 56 60
Freeze 6 17 25 46
Bolt 40 44 49 53
Dispel 41

Character Spell L1 L2 L3 L4
Katon 4 9 25
Raijin 14 19 32

Character Spell L1 L2 L3 L4
Egress 1
Bolt 22 31 42 51